


well yesterday i hurt my damn knee.. yayyyy :( i went to a game and was playing around and fell on my knee's.... lol well i was cold my friend gave me his jacket... me and him might end up being together because we both like eachother.. :) well imma go so i can finish up this work in class.. im hungry.. cant wait for 2nd block... bye..:)
Well, i am in fourth block once again and im listen to music... Breaking benjamin i will not bow is the most amazing song ever!! lol well imma go... bye
hfdufjhsjhcsjfxjsnjhdfnuvhnjnviovdfvnxdjkhv<--------------- dont ask just a bunch of randomness:) lol well i have a boyfriend.. he is my emo teddy bear:) im tired and i fell asleep in geometry:/ that class is so boring... well we only have 17 minutes left in school:) ill be happy when i get somthin to eat, cuz i dont eat at school... lol well we have a sub in our 4th block.., and he s pretty kool... ughhhh its so boring though.. well imma go... bye!!!!!:)

Well.. Its fucking cold outside!lol well im having some issues with my friend..we both like eachother.. but he says he cant be with me because he is trying to protect me.. but i love him.... i just dont understand. well im tired,cold, dont know if my girl skittles is at school today.. well thought i write something because i was bored..Oh some news... Im writing a story i'll post it when i get finished.. well bye:)
Well yesterday I brought out a side of me that nobody has seen before. I almost got into 2 fights on the bus.. I yelled like a crazy person. And was ready to start to swing.. Well i would swing if they hit me first. I'm just a bad ass. I'm going to look like a totally different person here soon... Everybody will be amazed at how different i would look. I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday because he cheated on me. Today would have been 1 month. Well guess i'll go for now.
well today been a great day.. my firend skittles jade dressed up like red riding hood:) lol i love my best friend. she's the one i tell everything to. the one i cry to. she like the twin sister i always dreamed for. well, me and skittles jade are listen to " how the grinch stole my virginity" by the first to fall.. well talk to yall later.
Its a cold world if you stand alone... I dont understand why people feel the need to rape, abuse, and mosleste childern these's days.. people have a freaking sick and twisted mind!!!! urgggh!! It makes me mad to hear all these girls and even boy getting raped and beating.. I dont understand. can somebody please explain this to me?? Like for real!!! Well todays been kind of interesting..... :) heheh well i hope yall have enjoyed my first blog.... my friend skittles jade"s blog was more interesting!oh i need yall to check out this site.....!/TheFirstToFall pelase check it out and listen to their music.... you can even become a fan.... Well thats all for now!
My dad was a fucking jerkwho barely talked to me and when he did, it was to give me orders, and my mom was a drug addict who killed herself on news years day of 2010,my oldest brother lives with his dad and my little brother lives with my dad and step mom who lives hundreds of miles away.. I'm in foster care and have been here for 2 years.. After my mom died, my dad and his girlfriend(at the time,now they are married) was always telling me how i was going to end like my mommy and how i was no good.. Growing up i was always trying to kill myself by either choking myself or sofficating myslef, by the time I turned 14 I started to cut myself. I have only did it 3 times and i always had a choose to either keep cutting and bleed to death or just sleep it off. I choose to sleep it off because i relized i didnt want to die just yet. Yes i know we are all going to die sooner or later, but it doesnt have to be now.. And especially with me ending my own life. When I was in fourht grade I was sexual moslested my some old creepy man.. I told my mother. Knowing good and well she wouldnt do much. And she didnt. All she did was call him and cuse him out. well thats